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My dog drags his bottom

One question that pops up regularly on our dog forums is one about dogs dragging their bums. “Why does my dog drag his bottom?” Be it outdoors on grass, or worse indoors on your finest carpet, some dogs will try to rub themselves on the ground.

Basically when this happens it means that there is something wrong with their anal glands. It can be pretty unconformable for your dogs, and without having any other way to relieve themselves and scratch themselves, they will start to drag their bottoms along the ground as a way of easing this pain. In fact in most cases this can do more damage than good for your dog.

Dog Anatomy

Here is a quick overview of some doggie anatomy, dogs anal sacks are just inside the dogs rectum and its main purpose is for scenting. They use the glands which produce a unique odour to scent their area. These glands can get blocked and cause discomfort to your pet. Because the glands are too full a pressure will build up and case discomfort. One way they indistinctly try to empty their glands is to do so by dragging their bottoms around the place. If left alone the rectal area can also start to smell rather awful, and can even result in further complications. Extreme cases include bleeding and infection of the effect area which is not nice for your dog.

If your dog is dragging his bum for an extended period of time then you should certainly bring him to the vet and get it checked up. Most vets will check the glands during a typical visit, and will empty them there. If this is a regular occurrence you can ask your vet to show you how to empty the anal glands yourself.

Also some dog grooming services may offer this service, either during a typical grooming / bathing session, or as an added extra.

Note: If you are anyway light hearted this may not be the home dog procedure for you!

Emptying Dogs Glands

Emptying dogs anal glands is quick and easy, and offers instant relief to your dog. You may want your vet to show you how to do it before attempting it yourself. The secretions can smell quite strong so be prepared (and wear gloves and maybe goggles). Your dog’s anal sacks are located at 5 & 7 o’clock on your dogs bum. And what you do is start from the outside of the bum with your fingers and move towards the anus.

Note : In some cases worms can also cause an itching sensation and dogs try to relieve this by also dragging themselves.

Updated on October 11, 2020
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