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Checking Microchips – Northern Ireland

In comparison to checking Irish microchips, there are different processes & laws for dogs in the UK (including Northern Ireland) and for selling them. See other rules for Northern Ireland sellers.

Note: All dogs must be visible on Check-a-Chip.co.uk for ads to be approved on dogs.ie.

Using Check-a-Chip.co.uk

The good news is that it could not be simpler.

  1. Enter in the 15 digit microchip number of the dog
  2. Click Search
  3. Check Result

If a microchip is registered it will show the following, including which database the dog is registered with.

UK Approved Microchipping databases

There are 22 databases that are approved for UK (including Northern Ireland) use, compared with just 4 in the Republic. Here is the list:

  1. AnimalData
  2. Animal Microchips
  3. Animal Tracker
  4. Chipworks
  5. HomeAgain
  6. Identibase
  7. Lost Paws
  8. MicroChip Central
  9. MicroDogID (racing greyhounds only)
  10. My Animal Trace
  11. MyPet
  12. National Veterinary Data Service
  13. Pet Chip Register
  14. Pet Database
  15. Pet Identity UK
  16. Petlog
  17. PetScanner
  18. ProtectedPet
  19. SmartTrace
  20. Track Your Paws
  21. UK PETtrac MicroChip Database
  22. We Trace Pets

About Check-a-Chip.co.uk

Launched in 2011, Check-a-chip.co.uk serves vets, rescue centers, dog wardens, and pet owners throughout the UK. It leverages over 25 years of experience as a MicroChip supplier and database to assist in identifying which database a specific MicroChip number is registered with. Check-A-Chip is run by PETtrac one of the DEFRA approved databases.

Since 2016, following new regulations mandating the microchipping of dogs (and cats as of June 10th 2024), all UK pet microchip databases compliant with these rules are required to facilitate access to other compliant databases. This enables them to determine the registration database of a microchip.

It’s important to note that no personal data is exchanged between databases; only the registration status of the microchip is shared.

Updated on February 7, 2024
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