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Dogs.ie presents at the Irish Perm Rep

Date: Brussels, January 25th 2023

Dogs.ie has been invited to speak with EU policy makers from European Commission, European Parliament, Perm Reps and others. This workshop titled “Pet Breeding, Trade and Traceability: Challenges and the way ahead” is organised by Four Paws, a global animal welfare organisation.

Paul Savage, Founder of dogs.ie

We will be presenting the findings from being the first website to implement the VeriPet system in 2021, along with some suggestions on how microchipping data needs to be more open and accessible by both platforms and end-consumers. There are now websites in Switzerland running it.

Presentation Slide

VeriPet System

VeriPet offers a two factor authentication system between the selling website (dogs.ie) and the seller, with the details verified by the microchip registry database. This project was created and spearheaded by Fido.ie as a way to confirm data to a higher degree. To-date there has been over 10,000 verifications performed between dogs.ie and fido.ie. The VeriPet system makes sure that the contact information is accurate and contactable. Initial VeriPet was run as a pilot under Fido, but now it’s European implementation is undertaken by EuroPetNet.com

VeriPet verified ad on dogs.ie

It is also possible to view all VeriPet verified ads on dogs.ie here with one of our filter options. To-date dogs.ie have verified approximately 15,000 microchips through VeriPet since it’s inception.

Paul Savage, Founder dogs.ie

Our wishes

Dogs.ie strongly encourages the other Irish I & R databases (Animark, IKC and MicroDogID) to join Europetnet’s VeriPet system or offer a similar open verification system, to verify ownership in ads. We also recommend that more websites across Europe and I&R databases adopt such systems, and we hope that the Commission will take into account these types of systems in any new guidelines and legislation it brings out.

Updated on February 7, 2023
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