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Bump your dog for sale ad

To gain extra exposure for your dog for sale ad, you pay to bring your ad back to the top of the listings. You can do this with our Bump feature. The idea behind it is straight forward, by bumping your ad is reposed ad to the top of the listings for a small fee. This feature may be useful if you need extra time on an ad, you’d like to get more exposure on an ad.

How to bump an ad

If you would like to put your dog for sale ad back to the top of the listings page you can do so by selecting the Bump Ad button on your dogs for sale page. My Ads >> For sale ads

Here you can locate your ad and click “bump ad”

You can also bump your ad directly from your ad page. Visit your ad page when logged in and the bump button will be on the right hand side.

Costs of ad bumping

For €12 we will repost your dog for sale ad at the top of the front page, and the category listing pages. Bumping an advert extends the ad expiration date by an additional 5 days.

Number of bumps

The number of bumps available is calculated when the ad is published, it depends on multiple factors, such as:

  • number of dogs listed
  • type of seller (Private Seller, Registered Seller, Dog Breeding Establishment).
  • if the dogs were previously advertised
  • etc.
Updated on July 3, 2023
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  1. Hi,never got a notification that my ad was about to expire,was hoping to bump it up again as I had 2 more options.

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