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DWKC – Dog World Kennel Club

The Dog World Kennel ClubDWKCdogworldkennelclub.co.uk, lists themselves as being an inclusive pedigree registry and “planning on becoming the largest organisation dedicated to all the different colours and different crossbreeds of all dogs”. They are based in the UK and accept registrations from around the world. The DWKC have been registering dogs since approximately 2017. Some pedigree dogs may not qualify due to colouring on other pedigree databases, and the DWKC is providing a solution to address this, they are not limited to just the FCI approved colourings. The information in this article is of a is similar nature to EABKC registrations. The DWKC appears to register many English Bulldogs, French Bulldogs, especially ones with non-standard colours, although you can register any breed with them.

DWKC logo

Note: DWKC registration is not the same as KC or IKC registrations. The KC & IKC has different rules, regulations and standards. Only IKC registered dogs will appear on pedigree.ie and with the IKC search on dogs.ie.

How much does it cost to register with DWKC?

Currently it costs £20 per puppy to be registered with them. Various prices exist for updating and transferring certificates, these can be found here.

Registering just with DWKC

Is it enough to just register your dog with DWKC? The quick answer is No. You will also need to register your dog with one of the 4 approved databases also. By law, all dogs over 12 weeks of age, and all dogs being listed for sale in an ad need to be registered on one of the follow databases

Should your dog be lost and recovered these are the only 4 databases that the Gardai, dog wardens, ISPCA, rescues and charities will check to reunite you and your dog.

For breeders in the UK, DWKC is not on the approved microchip registry list, and you will also need to register with an officially recognised registry

DWKC Owner Certificate

A typical DWKC certificate looks like this.

DWKC Owner Certificate

It should contain the following information:

  • Registration No – DWKC/ID
  • Name of dog
  • Breed
  • Sex
  • Date of birth
  • Colour
  • Microchip number
  • details of sire & dam
  • Name and address of the owner & ownership code
  • date of issuance
Updated on July 31, 2023
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  1. I have an old English Bulldog. I have a cert of sorts with sire and dame names. How do I check these and how can I get a certificate for my dog please?

  2. Can anyone get intouch with dwkc, I’ve got puppies to register and they not answering

  3. I’m buying a Frenchie which is DWKC registered is this advisable or is KC approved better ? Will this dog be a proper Frenchie , what do I look out for or ask the seller ? ??

  4. Hi Andy, DWKC has different standards to the the KC or IKC. The DWKC accepts different colours for example and the lineage may not go back as far as other registries. I would talk to the breeder as to why the dogs are not KC or IKC registered. If the parents are not IKC / KC registered then it’s generally not possible to register their off spring there.

Reply to Lisa Gourlay