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Seller Verification

Verification of sellers’ identities is a cornerstone for maintaining a safe selling platform. It is crucial as it helps ensure trust and integrity within the platform by safeguarding it from potential fraudsters and scammers. Such verification processes help protect both the buyers and the platform itself. Currently sellers are asked for the following details

  • email address – confirmed by sending a verification email
  • mobile phone number – verified by SMS
  • microchip chip numbers for their ads

These microchip certificate details need to be checked by the buyer when visiting a dog to cross reference information. We encourage all people to ask to see the sellers ID to confirm it’s their name on the certs.

Security next steps

In an effort to increase security, we may request additional information, such as:

  • Official ID (Passport or Drivers license photo)
  • Photograph of each of the microchip certs / application forms. We do require that you only advertise dogs that are in your name.

Official ID

Important: Your official ID is processed by a GDPR compliant data warehouse and is not stored by dogs.ie.

We will use this information to check your name and that you are the person in the ID.

Microchip information

Each microchip will have additional information around it

  • sex of the dog
  • colour of the dog
  • status of being sold (for sale, on-hold, sold)

This will give you more granular information about the individual dog for sale. Currently it’s only possible to list one colour for the dogs in a litter for example. Individual dogs that are sold from a littler can be marked as sold.

Updated on August 9, 2023
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